
Showing posts from August, 2012

Instant Loveliness - August Break

My boys turned 8 last month.  One wanted a Polaroid Camera for his birthday, and unfortunately the one that I decided upon for him took over three weeks to arrive, but it finally did arrive!!!  And this is the first shot he took with it using  Impossible PX70 Color Shade film!!!  (Actually I took a photo of the photo with my iphone....) It's not perfect, and we still have quite a learning curve with the camera, but I couldn't be more thrilled that he's loving it as much as I am.  Better yet, I found the 600 Land Camera that belonged to my grandparents, so there will be many excursions shared in the future! And I have a million excuses for why I didn't post the past two days, but there are no rules so if I failed to abide by any that I set at the beginning then it's quite acceptable.

August Break - Day 1

I've been reading Susannah's blog for quite some time.  And last year I wanted to participate in this , but I was in the process of many things, and while I still am, there is no better time than now to jump in.  Especially since I just finished her book!  And as someone who has suffered through the grief of an unexpected and terrible loss of someone I loved, her words really hit home to me.  I could continue to write a million other words, but, since there are no rules to the August Break, I'm going to just stop right now and save some of it for later.  Tomorrow perhaps, I'll write more.  Perhaps not.  Either way, the only rule I'm holding myself to is that I post something every day, because I like having this blog, and I don't give it near the attention that I would like to.  And I would love to change that, in addition to changing the look of this blog. Bonus points for anyone who can see the ladybug in the photo!  And more bonus po...