Two month dreadlock update
I realize it’s been a while since I’ve updated on how my dreadlocks are progressing. It’s a much slower process than I initially expected, but it’s surely been an interesting an enlightening one. There will be no photos to accompany this post as my hair is currently in a messy ball on top of my head and I haven’t yet showered, but I promise to share some soon. To be completely honest, there have been days full of temptation to pick up the brush and just end this journey. There are times that I go on these internal judgments and wonder how I’m viewed by others. I attended a business lunch for my boss a few weeks ago and I couldn’t help but wonder if people looked at my mess of a hair with the same judgments. At this point in my journey, I still only have about 10 locks forming, and none of them really are completely “locked” right now. There are two stemming from my hairline at my forehead that seem to be the most formed. One in particular h...