holidays & healing

This was the first year I've ever hosted a meal on my own. I procrastinated & waited til Wednesday night to buy the Turkey, and pretty much all the food I needed. But it was a lovely shopping trip with my best friend Sarah there to enjoy with me and had I been prepared I would not have had quite as much fun as I did shopping with her. And she didn't even buy any shoes!

I must add that I recently ended a vegetarian lifestyle that lasted almost 3 years. I'm still not eating a lot of meat, but I find it interesting that I choose to start eating meat again & then subject myself to shoving my arms into a raw dead bird.

But it all went well. I got the turkey in all by myself (with a few repeating phone calls to clarify that "no I don't see any bag of anything in this turkey). Everyone ate & enjoyed it.

Unfortunately, colds abound. I hit the couch Thursday night after cleaning up & didn't move til Monday morning. I wouldn't call it a cold at all. I'd call it misery. Luckily the rest of my family didn't get it nearly as bad as I. Thanks mom, for coming over & making jello, which thank goodness I gave up that veg thing or I wouldn't have even been able to eat that.


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