
This is not a "december view" necessarily, but it's a view I'm having now, and it's December, and I'm going to go with it anyway.....
This year has been a tough one for me. I lost my grandmother in a way that no one should lose a loved one, and three months later I lost my father to cancer. I also took my photography business official within this time. It's been hard in a way, to concentrate on something that brings me happiness while I'm suffering with grief at the same time. But in other ways it helps me to see beauty where I typically feel sadness and loss.
And through everything I've gone through, I have to give my love to the two girls in the picture, two girls who have become friends that I wish I had had throughout my whole life. They've spend numerous lunch hours listening to me complalin, cry, gripe and just plain bitch about everything that I can complain about. And for that, and everything else they've done for me, I have to show my love for them. They're beautiful girls, inside and out, talented photographers, and have been amazing friends to me. I am so lucky to have bonded with them and I know that the connection we've made will continue........