it seems fitting that i should be hit with a stomach bug over New Years, thus being forced to stay in. It will be the first New Year's Eve I have spent completely alone, and in all honesty, I'm not all that sad about it. The more I think about it, the more perfect it seems. I have much purging to do and I have to take this time to clear my head and focus on what I want to accomplish in the coming year, what I need to do in order to succeed in all my goals. Besides that, in my continual analyzing, it seems like a contradiction to the whole "start the year fresh" idea to go out and drink all night, staying up late only to wake up in the morning starting the new year off hungover. It seems to me that it would make more sense to spend the evening centering the self so that one can wake up feeling refreshed and focused.
On that note...welcome 2012! Consider me centered!