
The process of finding my word for 2017 has not been a tough one.  Last year I went through Susannah Conways' Find Your Word Course and it brought me to my word for 2016, which was Movement. This year, I came to my word rather easily, as it was thrust in my presence continuously over the past few weeks.  I've read it in blog posts and articles, I've heard it uttered in multiple podcasts, and the word has been spoken by friends in conversation.  The first time it hit me, I knew it would be my guiding word for 2017.


I've been true to my words the past few years.  Allowing them to guide me, and repeating them in my head every time I needed to remind myself to focus.  Movement got me up off my ass on the occasions during 2016 where I felt the laziness settle in.  Movement has helped me to unclutter areas of my physical and mental space.  Movement helped me change habits and it was the first thing I did January 1st when I woke up after smashing out my last cigarette the night before, and went for a hike with my dog.  Movement took me across the country where I watched the sun set over the Pacific Ocean on Cannon Beach in Oregon.  Movement has seen me lose 20 lbs during the course of the year and will undoubtedly see 20 more in the coming months.  And just as Presence helped me to pay attention and focus on what is in front of me not only in 2015 but this year also, I'm sure they both will continue to follow me through 2017 as I Embody all of the things that I hold close in belief.

I will Embody the healthy lifestyle I began by quitting smoking.  I will Embody the eating habits that nourish and feed not only my physical health but my mental health as well.  I will Embody the rituals and habits that nourish my physical and mental space and help me to focus on the important things which go much further than what I can see and touch in this world I am inhabiting in this lifetime.  I will Embody all the things that will nourish and enrich the lives of my children and those around me, the moments, the experiences that truly matter and make a real difference.

Most importantly, I will Embody all of my hopes and dreams and see to fruition the things that I have been wanting for so long and will no longer allow fear or "busyness" of life to get in the way of accomplishing these things.

The candle burning in the photograph above was a gift.  I received two in a package and had one of my children walk the second one up the hill to my mother so that she, too, could take part in this ritual of burning a Bayberry candle on New Years Eve, to bring abundance and blessings in the coming year.  She immediately called me and asked me if I didn't remember that she used to do this.  When I was gifted a set of these last year, I vaguely felt something when I pulled the candles out of the box, but nothing concrete, and I never thought of it again.  But it's rather appropriate, as I sit here thinking of my intentions for the coming year, and the years after and what I am wishing for as my children continue to grow and mature and find their own ways in this world.

I hope all of you who come upon these writings welcome the year in with Love and Positive Vibrations in your hearts.


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