Good Reminders

This post was originally written on September 2, 2018.  These are all lessons I've been learning and re-learning, and I find myself coming back to them in the deep breaths I take when I feel myself falling down a rabbit hole.  Maybe you can find some use in these words too.
1 - It is perfectly fine to not do anything. And it is even more acceptable for you to not beat yourself up and feel guilty about it
2 - The Universe provides.  God provides. Whoever or whatever it is that you believe in, will provide.  If things seem uncertain, they might be for a time, and you should just let them remain uncertain, knowing that eventually they will be clear.  It is also important to note that when they do become clear, you should trust in that clarity.  If you don't make moves in life, the Universe will make them for you.
3 - We have very little control over anything outside of ourselves.  It is often better to just take a deep breath and let things go than to hold onto things that only negatively effect your own well being.  Acceptance is the key to peace.  
4 - Every situation will eventually work itself out.  Some might take longer. Others will repeat themselves multiple times to ensure you learn what it is you didn't the previous time(s).  But everything eventually runs its' course and sometimes it helps to remind yourself of that when you're in a particularly frustrating phase.
5 - Most often, you should be taking a break long before you actually feel like you need one.  By the time you feel like you need one, you're going to need a longer one.  5A- Everyone deserves a break.
6 - Forgiveness is just as important in yourself as it is in others.
7 - No one has it all together.
8 - The effort you put into anything determines the outcome.
9 - There is always time, unless you are procrastinating.


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